3.15 Employees

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Our cloud-based management software enables you to easily manage all aspects of your business and helps you meet the requirements of ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and ISO 45001. 

This video shows you how to use the Employees Module within isCompliant.

For more information visit www.iscompliant.com

 The Employees module allows you to manage your staff. As well as storing each employee’s contact details, you can monitor their training and competencies, record reviews, and assign their isCompliant permissions.

3.15.1       Creating an Employee record

  • Open the Employees module.
  • Click the New button in the bottom right hand corner.
  • Select the employee’s Title from the drop down box, and fill in their Forename, Surname and Work Email fields in the Main Details tab.
  • Where necessary, you can fill in the other fields in the Main Details tab.
  • If you have chosen to manually insert codes to this module, you will need to insert a unique Employee Number in the Status tab. See Section 2.3.4 on Coding Rules for more information.
  • Click Save.

3.15.2       Adding detail to an Employee record

The data entry on this page works slightly differently to most other modules, in that there are multiple sections on the one screen.

Note: Remember to click Save whilst filling in the tabs so you will not lose any data if your isCompliant session times out.

Main Details: As explained in Section 3.15.1, you can add the important personal details here. If you enter a Work Mobile number and check the box to receive SMS alerts, the employee will be able to receive Incident Reports if they have been assigned a RACI role for a project.

Status: Change the employee’s Employment Status to Active or Inactive, and select a Contract Type from the drop down boxes. Enter their number of Weekly Hours where necessary.

Contact Details: Enter the employee’s Address, Personal Phone numbers and Email address. If the employee is working in a different Time Zone, select it from the drop down box.

Emergency: The Emergency tab allows you to store emergency contact details for the employee. Select the contact’s Relationship from the drop down box, then enter their Name, Address, Home Phone, Work Phone and Mobile numbers.

Other Details: You can add the employee’s Car Registration and click the checkbox if they have a suitable Driving Licence. You can also add their Marital Status.

Employment – Details: You can add the dates that the employee joined the company, when their Probation Started and Ended and the date they Left by clicking on each box and using the pop out calendar. You can also enter their Reason for Leaving. isCompliant will calculate their Length of Service in years and months.

Employment – Current Role: Type the employee’s Current Role – this will appear in the main page of the Employees Module to make it easily searchable. You can also assign the employee to a Process and a Line Manager by selecting from the drop down box. If the employee is a Director, click the box, and enter an Employee Profile where necessary.

Employment – Job Description: In this tab, you can type out the employee’s Principal Duties and Additional Duties.

Employment – Work Site: Select the employee’s Work Site from the drop down box, and isCompliant will fill in the address of that work site automatically.

Note: You can predetermine Work Sites in the Tables.

Employment – Assets: If you assign an asset to an employee in the Assets module, it will show up here.

Employment – Career History: In the Career History tab, you can list the employee’s past jobs like a CV. Enter the dates they started and finished that job, their Job Title and select a Process where necessary. If the job was internal prior to a promotion or change of role, you can also add their Line Manager from the drop down list.

Training – Competencies: To add a competency, select it from the green drop down list. If the proof of their competence is a Current or Expired Qualification, or Experience, select it in the Evidence column. You can then select how competent the employee is under Status and who has assigned it in Assigned By. Add an Assigned date and a Review date, then whether the competency is a Requirement of their job. Once you click Save, a new green line will appear underneath for you to add further competencies. If you want to create an Action against a competency, click the New button and then click the green code it is replaced by.

Note: You can predetermine Competencies in the Tables.

Training – Qualifications: To add a qualification, select the Category from the drop down box then type the Name. Add the date Attained and its Expiry date, then select the Approver from the drop down list. Once you click Save, a new green row will appear underneath for you to add further qualifications. You can attach a certificate or document to each qualification by clicking on the book symbol next to it: see Section 2.8.2 for instructions.


Attendance – Holiday: To add a holiday, add the Start and End dates in the green boxes using the pop out calendar, type the number of Days and select the Type of holiday from the drop down box. Type the Reason where necessary and click Save. Once you click Save, a new green row will appear underneath for you to add further holidays.

Attendance – Sickness: To add a sickness record, add the Start and End dates in the green boxes using the pop out calendar and type the number of Days. Type the Reason where necessary and click Save. Once you click Save, a new green row will appear underneath for you to add further sickness records.

Reviews: The Reviews tab allows you to schedule and record employee performance reviews. Add the Date, then select a Line Manager Reviewer and HR Reviewer from the drop down boxes. Select a Status; Draft, In Progress, Completed or Cancelled. Click Save and a new green row will appear underneath for you to add other reviews. Click the Edit button to add full details in the following tabs.


Review Details: The details you have entered into the Reviews tab will be carried forward into this tab. Add a Site and Room where necessary.

Review of Performance: Type in the Reviewer Discussion and Reviewee Response into the grey boxes.

Plan for the Future: Type in the Reviewer Discussion and Reviewee Response into the grey boxes.

General Discussion: Type in the Reviewer Discussion and Reviewee Response into the grey boxes.

Objective: Review Objectives are set in the same way as Actions and also appear in the employee’s action task list.  Type the Objective and set a Target Date using the pop out calendar. Select a Status from the drop down list, type out the Discussion and click Save. When the objective has been completed, enter a Completion Date.


Finance: Enter the employee’s Tax Code, National Insurance Number, Bank Name, Bank Sort Code and Bank Account Number.

Notes: Type any Notes relating to the employee in the grey box.

Actions: You can create an Action relating to the employee by following the steps set out in Section 3.6.2.

System Roles: The System Roles tab allows you to allocate isCompliant permissions to an employee. If you want the employee to have their own Login to isCompliant, click the Login checkbox; isCompliant will then send them a username and password. Once you have checked the Login button, you will have the option of tailoring the employee’s access to each module by selecting either No Access, Read or Write. If you ever need to remove the employee’s ability to login, just uncheck the Login button.


3.15.3       Editing or Deleting an Employee record

You can edit an employee’s record by opening the Employees module and clicking the corresponding Edit button. If you have permission to edit within this module, you will be able to navigate the tabs as above and make any necessary changes.

To delete an employee, open the record and click the orange Delete button at the bottom right of the screen. Remember, you can make the employee inactive if they are not currently working for you; go to the Status tab and change the Employment Status to Inactive.


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