3.16 Incident Reporting (NCR's, CPA's)

Whilst Incident Reporting isn’t a module as such, it is an important part of the functionality of isCompliant.

You can report an incident by clicking on the orange Incident button on the toolbar, as seen in Section 2.1.

Incident reports also work the same way as issues, which can be raised within an audit if there is an Observation or Non-Conformity.

3.16.1       Creating an Incident Report

  • Click on the Incident button on the toolbar.
  • Enter the Name of the incident; e.g. a brief description of what happened.
  • Type in the Time and Date the incident occurred.
  • Select the Main Contact from the drop down menu.
  • Select the Project on which the incident occurred.
  • Select the Severity of the incident and the Incident Type.
  • If the incident is related to a Risk that is associated with the project previously selected, you can select it from the drop down box. If you select a Risk, you can also categorize the incident further if it related to a Hazard identified in the risk assessment.
  • Where necessary, select the Process the incident applies to, and it’s Trajectory.
  • Type the Location where the incident occurs.
  • Click Save.

3.16.2       Creating an Issue

Issues are created through the Audits module. When an Observation or Non-Conformity is discovered whilst carrying out an audit, an Issue can be raised in the audit Responses tab by clicking the New Issue button.

  • Enter the Name of the issue; e.g. a brief description of what happened.
  • The Time and Date the incident occurred will already be completed.

Note: this is when the New Issue button was clicked.

  • The Process and Source will be completed automatically.
  • Point Process
  • Where necessary, select the Project where the issue occurred.
  • Select the Severity of the issue and the Incident Type.

Note: this will default to Non-Conformity.

  • If the issue is related to a Risk that is associated with the project previously selected, you can select it from the drop down box. If you select a Risk, you can also categorize the issue further if it related to a Hazard identified in the risk assessment.
  • Where necessary, select the issue’s Trajectory and type in the Location where the issue occurred.
  • Click Save.

3.16.3       Adding detail to an Issue or Incident Report

Regardless of whether the report is for an issue or incident, you can add further detail in the same way using the following tabs:

Main Details: As explained in Sections 3.16.1 & 13.16.2, you can add the key details of the incident or issue here. You can also change the Status of the report.

Personnel: The Personnel tab allows you to edit the Main Contact, and shows who the incident was Reported By, when it was Reported On. It also lists the Actual RACI Recipients; if there are staff who have been assigned these responsibilities on the project where the incident occurred, and the type of incident has been set to generate notifications in the RACI rules (Section 2.3.3), each employee will have been notified when the incident was reported. The Closed By and Closed On fields will be filled in when all Actions relating to the incident or issue have been completed, or the Incident or Issue is marked as Inactive. 

Annotations: The Annotations tab allows you to enter further details about the incident or issue, including a Description, Comments and Closing Notes.

Actions: You can create an Action relating to the Incident or Issue by following the steps set out in Section 3.6.2.

3.16.4       Editing or Deleting an Incident or Issue

You can edit an incident or issue by opening the Company tab at the top of the Dashboard and opening the Issues & Incidents tab. Open the issue or incident report by clicking the corresponding Edit button. If you have permission to edit within this module, you will be able to navigate the tabs as above and make any necessary changes.

To delete an incident or issue, open the record and click the orange Delete button at the bottom right of the screen. Remember, you can make the incident or issue inactive; go to the Main Details tab and change the Status to Inactive.



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