Become an isCompliant Ninja

Why not give us a call? We can arrange various bespoke training courses from onsite to offsite, from webinar to video's.

We can charge per the day or per the hour. Its completely up to you.

Type Description
Hourly Cost
Daily Cost

Maximum Participants

Onsite Training We travel to your site and provide training for up to 10 people. We will develop the course bespoke for your needs and even get you started on filling in your details. All of our Trainers are also experienced in ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and ISO 45001, so we bring a little bit of Ninja Consultancy with us to every course.

Offsite Training

(Web Conference)

We set up a live webinar and provide a bespoke course, just for you. Just like the Onsite Course, we can get you started with completing the system and figuring out how to use it. That way you get some free consultancy alongside your technical training.

Offsite Training


If you are not sure how much help you need. Why not book one of our isCompliant Ninja's per the hour. We will be dedicated to you, on the phone for that whole hour helping you out with whatever you want.

Just give us a call on +44 (0) 1683 300 076 and we can get you started.

Once you, or your staff are trained, why not sit our online Tutorial Assessment to get certified to our isCompliant Ninja status to validate competency.

Just click here to find out more.

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