2.3 Company Details

At the top of the dashboard screen, there are five tabs. To tailor the isCompliant system for your business, click on the Company tab.

This will open a screen with a further six tabs for you to navigate. Each is described under the following headings.

1.1.1       Issues & Incidents

The Issues & Incidents tab shows any issues or incident reports against your company. You can read more on incident reporting in Section 2.1.6.

1.1.2       Company Info

To set up your company on isCompliant, follow these steps:

  • Click on the Company Info tab.
  • Fill out all the Client Name; if you are setting this up for your own company, this is the name of your business.
  • Enter a primary Email address.
  • Enter all contact details where necessary, and select your Country and Time Zone from the drop down boxes.
  • Enter the Contact Names for your main contact.
  • The Active checkbox should be ticked if you want to start adding data to your system.
  • Publish in the isCompliant client list.
  • Type in any Notes where applicable.
  • Click Save.

1.1.3       RACI Rules

RACI stands for Responsible Accountable Consult Inform and is used in incident reporting. isCompliant allows you to assign RACI responsibilities on a project by project basis. If an incident occurs on a project, the employee’s assigned RACI roles can receive a notification, either by email or email and SMS.

The RACI Rules tab allows you to decide under what circumstances those notifications are sent. All types and severity of incident are defaulted to No Alert; if you want to alter that, click on the drop down box and select Email or Email and SMS for each incident type and severity level, then click Save. Read more about incident reporting in Section 2.1.6.

Note: For SMS notifications to work, an employee will need to have a valid Work Mobile number stored in their employee record in the Employees module.

1.1.4       Coding Rules

Each module in isCompliant can index records using individual codes to differentiate; the only exception to this is Actions and Company Objectives where unique codes are automatically assigned. You can choose whether you would like to manually enter codes, or to have codes assigned automatically by isCompliant. Alternatively, you can choose to have no codes.

To set your coding rules, click on the drop down box next to each Code and select Automatic, Manual or No Codes, then click Save.

1.1.5       Scoring Rules

The Scoring Rules tab is the heart of the reporting within isCompliant.

This is where the business intelligence lives!

Every time you create an action or an issue within isCompliant it gets allocated to a process. Depending on what type of issue it is, isCompliant adds to takes away points from a process.

For example, looking at the image above, we have identified that if you add an “Improvement” you get 0.5 points for a process. If you achieve the improvement, you get another 1 point.

However, if you record an issue or an incident, points get removed from the relevant process.

We have populated the Action and Incident scores with what we think are realistic values.  However, you can apply whatever scores you feel suit your business risks.

1.1.6       Customisation

The Customisation tab allows you to tailor your isCompliant system. You can edit the URL by choosing a subdomain that easily identifies your company; for example, if your company was called Demo Printing Ltd and you chose the subdomain ‘demo’, your URL would read “demo.iscompliant.com”.

To add your company logo, you firstly need to ensure you have it saved as a .jpg, .png, .gif, or .bmp file format on your computer. We recommend a 96 dpi image with a white or transparent background.

Click on the Browse button and select the logo from your documents, then click Save. It will now appear in the top right of every area in isCompliant. You can also change your logo at any time by repeating these steps, or remove it by clicking Clear Logo.

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