3.2 Risk Assessments

Check out our Risk Assessments Video.

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Our cloud-based management software enables you to easily manage all aspects of your business and helps you meet the requirements of ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and ISO 45001.
This video shows you how to use the Risk Assessments Module within isCompliant.
For more information visit www.iscompliant.com

Risk Assessments analyse the risks that occur during your business activities and identify control measures that must be followed to mitigate the risk.

1.1.1       Creating a Risk Assessment Record

  • Open the Risk Assessment module.
  • Click the New button in the bottom right hand corner.
  • If you have chosen to manually insert codes to this module, you will need to insert a unique reference Code for the record. See Section 2.3.4 on Coding Rules for more information.
  • Enter the Title of the risk assessment.
  • Where applicable, assign a Process, Project, Standard, and Owner by clicking on the grey box next to each field and selecting from the drop down lists.

Note: Processes can be pre-determined in the Tables, Projects in the Projects module and Owners in the Employees module.

  • Click Save.

1.1.2       Adding detail to a Risk Assessment

Once you have created the record, you can work through the following tabs to create your Risk Assessment.

Main Details: As explained in Section 3.2.1, you can add the key details of your assessment here, as well as linking it to a Process, Project, Standard and Owner. You can also change the status of the assessment to Active or Inactive.

Linking a risk assessment to a Project will tie in the project’s RACI roles. You will be able to see any Incidents or Issues that have been attributed to the risk on the linked project by clicking on the Issues button next to the relevant risk assessment in the Risk Assessments module.

Review: Select the name of the employee responsible for reviewing the risk assessment by clicking on the grey box next to Assessed By and selecting from the drop down list. Insert an Assessment Date and the Review Due date; it is recommended that you review your risk assessment once annually.

Hazards: To add a Hazard, type the name or description in the first green box. Select the Type of hazard it is using the drop down list, then type the Consequence of it happening into the next green box. Click Save.

Enter the Pre-Mitigation Consequence Rating and Pre-Mitigation Likelihood Rating using the drop down boxes; you can find out more about the rating system on the Matrix tab. Click Save. This will generate a colour-coded Pre-Mitigation Risk Rating. A green row will appear underneath your saved hazard for you to add another.

To delete a Hazard click the Delete button next to it; wait until the orange text stating ‘Waiting deletion’ appears and then click Save.

Mitigation: To add a Mitigation, use the green drop down menu to select which Hazard you’re mitigating, then type the Mitigation Measure in the next green box. Click Save. If a hazard has multiple mitigation measures, continue to repeat the above steps until you have added them all; isCompliant will group the mitigation measures together.

Enter the Post-Mitigation Consequence Rating and Post-Mitigation Likelihood Rating for the Hazard using the drop down boxes; you can find out more about the rating system on the Matrix tab. Click Save. This will generate a colour-coded Post-Mitigation Risk Rating. If the Post Mitigation Risk Rating is Acceptable, check the box and click Save. A green row will appear underneath your saved hazard for you to add another.

To delete a Mitigation Measure click the Delete button next to it; wait until the orange text stating ‘Waiting deletion’ appears and then click Save.

Matrix: The matrices give guidance for reaching the Pre- and Post-Mitigation Ratings, depending on likelihood and consequence. Once the Hazards and Mitigation tabs are filled in, each matrix will also show how the Hazards are rated and whether they are tolerable.

Audits: The Audits tab will show you if any audits or inspections have been scheduled against the Risk Assessment. See Section 3.10.7 about how to link a Risk Assessment to an audit.

Actions: You can create an Action relating to the Risk Assessment by following the steps set out in Section 3.6.2.


1.1.3       Editing or Deleting a Risk Assessment

You can edit a risk assessment by opening the Risk Assessment module and clicking the corresponding Open button. If you have permission to edit within this module, you will be able to navigate the tabs as above and make any necessary changes.

To delete a risk assessment, open the record and click the orange Delete button at the bottom right of the screen. Remember, you can make the risk assessment inactive if you may need to use it in the future.

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    Additional Risk Management information can be found if you click the Light Bulb when you are in the Module.