Your Dashboard is the main screen from which you navigate isCompliant; it displays fifteen tiles which each link to a separate management module.
If you are using isCompliant to satisfy the three key standards (ISO 9001, ISO 14001 & ISO 45001), each of the tiles represents a module required for compliance.
2.2.1 Colour Coding
isCompliant is an intelligent system that is able to report on the general health of your business. Each tile on your dashboard is coloured using a simple traffic light system, so you can identify which modules are healthy and which need attention.
When you first log in, all your tiles will be yellow. As you start adding data into a module the tile will change from yellow to green, but if a module is neglected or key dates are missed it will turn to orange or red depending on the severity of the problem.
By clicking on the Help light bulb when in the dashboard and scrolling to the bottom of the page, you will see a list telling you exactly why a tile is not coloured green. See Appendix A1 for the generic guide.
Why not have a look at our Dashboard tutorial Video below.
isCompliant Tutorials: Your Dashboard from isCompliant on Vimeo.
Our cloud-based management software enables you to easily manage all aspects of your business and helps you meet the requirements of ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and ISO 45001.
This video introduces you to your Dashboard and shows you how to navigate around isCompliant.
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